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Montana Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act: 310-Law

The Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act, also known as the 310 Law,  requires any individual or corporation proposing work in or near a perennial stream, on private or public land, to apply for a 310 permit through their local conservation district.

To apply for a 310 permit, download and complete the 310 Joint Application Form 270 Fillable.
Please read instructions (found at the end of the application form) carefully because multiple permits may be required for any work done in or near streams.

Emergency Form:

During an emergency, when actions are taken to safeguard life or property (including growing crops) you are required to:

  • Call the district office at406-859-3291 ext 101 before emergency work is undertaken
  • Submit an Emergency form within 15 days of taking action.

310 emergency form

Complaint Form:

It is a misdemeanor to initiate a project without a permit.  To report an activity that may be a violation of the 310 law, complete the complaint form and submit to the Granite CD.

310 complaint form

Permit Activity Chart

This chart shows which permits are required under specific conditions based on where your project will take place: streambed, streambanks, wetlands, or floodplain.

The letters in the diagram above refer to the permits listed below.
It’s the responsibility of the landowner to contact each agency to find out if they do or do not need a permit.

Key To
Permit RequiredGovernment AgencyPhone Number
AMontana Stream Protection Act (124)
(For Government Agencies Only)
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks752-5501
BStormwater Discharge General PermitsDept. of Environmental Quality444-2406
CStreamside Management Zone LawDept. Natural Resources & Conservation751-2240
DMontana Floodplain and Floodway Management ActGranite County Floodplain Administrator859-7021
EWater Quality Standard for Turbidity (318)Dept. of Environmental Quality444-4626
FMontana Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act (310)Granite Conservation District (or other local conservation district)859-3291 x101
GMontana Land-use License or Easement on Navigable WatersDept. of Natural Resources & Conservation/Special Uses751-2263
HMontana Water Use ActDept. of Natural Resources & Conservation752-2288
IFederal Clean Water Act (Section 404)US Army Corp of Engineers441-1375
JFederal Rivers and Harbors Act (Section 10)US Army Corp of Engineers441-1375
KOther laws that may apply, depending on your location and activityVarious agencies

Stream Permitting Book

 Montana Stream Permitting: A Guide for Conservation District Supervisors and Others is a publication developed to assist conservation districts and agencies in reviewing stream projects.


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